It's another fairytales

BIENVENUE CHEZ MOI. Here's my journey, my thoughts, my interpretation, my mind, my life :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lets Save The Cutest Creature From Extinction

Someone invite me to join the cause of saving whales and dolphins through Facebook and i saw this video (i was crying when i watched this video). I just cant understand how come they can do such a brutal and unacceptable things. They almost kill this species from existance. I have no idea what kind of person that willing to kill such a creature. In additon, its only for the advantage and the importance of particular company, its really selfish. Super duper selfish. Its really a heart-breaking video. After googling about the dolphins and whales, i was shocked by the amount of dolphin which are being killed until now days. And you have to know that:

"About 3,000 dolphins are still being killed each year by tuna fishing fleets in the Pacific Ocean west of Mexico and Central America, a government report says. The report estimates about 6 million dolphins were killed in this fashion in the eastern tropical Pacific since the 1950s, and that while the annual death toll has dropped significantly in recent years, the dolphin's recovery remains in doubt." (

"23,000 Dolphins are slaughtered each year in a hidden cove in Taiji, Japan. The Japanese government covers it up. No one could get in. Until now. The Cove exposes an atrocity of unimaginable brutality. The dolphin slaughter depicted here is committed yearly and without knowledge of the general Japanese public, even though they could be buying highly-toxic mercury-laden dolphin meat disguised as fish from their local supermarkets." (

"Prepared by scientists in the Bush Administration’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), the report reveals that thousands of dolphins, especially baby dolphins, are still dying in tuna nets in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP), largely in tuna fleets owned by tuna millionaires in Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, and other nations. Earth Island believes the Bush Administration is hiding this damning report because it undermines its attempt to falsely label dolphin-deadly tuna as “Dolphin Safe.” (

"Thousands of dolphins and small whales throughout the world continue to be hunted for food, oil, fertilizer and other products. In Chile, some of the world's most endangered dolphins, the black dolphins, are hunted to provide bait for crab pots for the king crab industry. Catches of several thousand have been reported in recent years. Turkey has greatly reduced dolphin populations in the Black Sea to produce oil and chicken feed. In the Faroe Islands and parts of Asia, a type of fishing known as "drive fishing" has been practiced for centuries by fishermen who view the fish-eating marine mammals as competition for their catch. The fishermen use boats and large nets to "drive" schools of dolphins into shallow bays and harbors where they are killed, OFTEN BRUTALLY. The meat is often sold for human or animal consumption, or made into fertilizer. Japan is believed to be the largest consumer of dolphin.

In addition, several countries continue to allowing hunting of dolphins for aboriginal or subsistence purposes. Subsistence hunting takes place in the Solomon Islands of the Pacific, in Greenland and in Arctic parts of Canada and the United States. The dolphins killed are to be used for food, oil or other traditional uses and cannot legally be sold. Unfortunately, this has proven difficult to regulate and many subsistence hunters have bowed to commercial incentives. Some of the species involved in subsistence hunting are among those most endangered such as the narwhal, beluga whale and harbor porpoise.

Ancient Hawaiians occasionally harvested dolphins by herding them to the beach. They were apparently used as a food source as they were one of the foods listed forbidden to women under the
kapu system." (

See?? Its really enervant and unacceptable. Well, we should prevent this as soon as possible before the whales and dolphins loses their existance. By education for example. As i read on the same site:

"Each year thousands of people around the world are introduced to dolphins and the problems they currently face through their visits to aquariums, zoos and marine parks. Education can be a very powerful tool as learning about a particular animal is often the first step towards becoming active in its conservation. As noted dolphin researcher Ken Norris states, "Our knowledge of these dolphins is their protection. You cannot kill what you come to love."

Public education is proving effective in some places where dolphins had traditionally been considered to be undesirable predators or competition to fishermen. Changes in public sentiment towards dolphins and other marine mammals have occurred as a result of people learning more about them. Once public sentiment changes, political sentiment is often soon to follow, bringing about the establishment new laws and regulations needed to protect species." (

So, its definitely so true that you cannot kill what you come to love. And dolphins and whales are such a cute, beautiful and lovely creatures that too precious to be killed for a selfish affaires. So, i say "i'm in" for whales and dolphins protection =)

Pictures Resources:

Video Resources:

Friday, November 27, 2009

OOH, I Can't Imagine How I Can Survive in This City

I live in Jakarta now, the capital city of Indonesia. Everyday from 8 am - 3 pm (sometimes 'till 5 pm), i'm studying french in a small class with 12 other students from all over indonesia which placed in an office building. I'm in 7th floor and my class is the greatest class from others, hehehe... Yeah, when i look out of window, i can see the panorama of a busy city and look in an awefull traffic jam everyday. Others?? They cant see nothing and their windows is dark anyway. I like to memorise everything in a picture. So i always capture everything that interessed me. I capture this picture on 4 pm, when i just finish class. Its in Sudirman Road where so many company and offices are here. Its the time where everybody finish their activity and this is such a crazy road. And I have no idea what the polices are doing there!! Well, you can see in this picture its really a messed up.
The polices have to make one way to be empty because of The President will passed. But they dont give attention to the others way which is really really messed up because of what they did. They suppose to conditionalised the whole way. Other times, its more messed up. I'm feeling regret that i cant captured it. The whole vehicle are mixing in a centre of a crossroads. Bajaj, cars, motorcycles and the people who cross (eventhough there's a bridge for people who wanna cross, they dont use it.). The cars are really stuck. En plus, there must be a lot of gas emission and pollution that effect our body. Oh my god, its only a merci that makes me can survive in this city.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Grenades and Roses in Kashmir

One night i have a nice conversation on Yahoo with my best friend from Kashmir. He told me about the condition in kashmir nowdays and he gave me a link to the website where he wrote his story. He's a very smart journalist. And i realize how easy we live these days, we live borderless. Its really different with years ago (of course). Communication and Technology were growing so fast and it cause a digital divide. Here, in this story, we can see the difference between now and the past, particularly about love, in Kashmir. From this story i also can understand how complicated is life in Kashmir. A crush between those who are moderate and militan. Well, I hope you guys enjoy the story and thanks for Sulthan to share it with me =)

"Muzamil Ahmad was never consulted; he was just informed whom he was getting engaged to. And there was a minor point he was unable to bring up: he was in love with a girl from the neighbourhood.

It was the year 1988. Muzamil was 19.

"Such was the fear of the parents and neighbours that I never met my girlfriend during daytime. It was only during night that I would meet her," he said.

A year later, it became even worse. Kashmir collapsed in the rage of the separatist insurgency.

"Nobody dared leave home after sunset," he said. "Sometimes (she) and I couldn't meet for months together."

They could not get married. Now 42, the father of two children, Ahmad said he did not protest even once when his parents his marriage to a female relative, without once asking him. "I could not bring myself to tell them about (his girlfriend)," he confessed.

Two decades on, love is witnessing better days in Kashmir.

The arrival of cable television in the Valley in the late 1990s brought wider social changes as well. Young people took their cue from the protagonists in the soaps they saw. Suddenly most urban youngsters knew all about Valentine's Day, which their parents' generation knew little about.

The mobile phone, which reached the Kashmir valley only in 2003 due to long-held concerns over security, further helped them get around social restrictions.

"Cell phones have helped lovebirds a lot," said 30-year-old Mohammed Ather, who runs a school in Srinagar.

"When we were young, we had only landlines and our parents could watch and even eavesdrop when we used them," he said. "But the cell phone allows today's youngsters to talk to their lovers all the time without parents getting to know."

That was because it was not the militants whom Mohammed Ather feared each time he arranged to meet his girlfriend at Srinagar's epicentre of Lal Chowk in the late 1990s. It was the family and neighbours.

As the years of militancy wore on, the fundamentalist streak in some militant groups revealed itself. Certain groups tried to force women to wear burqas outside their homes. They threw acid on the faces of some who defied their diktat. Beauty parlours were attacked.

But Kashmiris drew the line at such coercion.

"Even the top hard line separatist leaders publicly disapproved of such actions," said Mohammed Sultan, 50, a retired businessman. "Most of our women continued to go out without burqas ignoring the threats."

Since 2006, there was a new threat to lovers. An army of burqa-clad women called Dukhtaran-e-Milllat, headed by the mercurial Asiya Andrabi, began barging into gift shops along with her activists, tearing up and burning Valentine's Day cards, calling them un-Islamic.

But she only succeeded in popularizing Valentine's Day. "I had girlfriends all right, but February 14 was just another day for me until the Dukhtaran-e-Millat campaign began," said Ishfaq Ahmed, a Kashmir University student.

"We Kashmiris were conservative, but never orthodox," said local resident Masood Ahmad. "Our society is now changing, but it will not change too much. We Kashmiris have always believed in moderation." (Ibn Sulthan)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Started My First Experience in Blogging =)

Fiuh, finally i make a blog! Well, why i wanna make a blog? Everyday, i saw so many precious things that amaze me, many things that made me angry, problems that annoyes me and i write all these things in my diary. And then i just think, it could be better if all people know about this, they will be fascinated as i am, they will be angry as i am, and maybe they have a better solution than i do. And its delightful to share what did my eyes see. There's enough happiness, pain and madness in my eyes for me to share =). I know there's so many people who's blogging already but i've never thought to split my experience in a blog, really. Besides, i love writting. So, i believe that my writting skill will be ameliorated. And i'd like to change my mind with other bloggers so that i will be more open-minded, and more understand that all people dont think the same. Of course you dont have to make a blog to understand that all people dont think the same, but its more specific. So i'm so appreciating you guys who leave your comment on my post because i wonder to know what you think. So, lets conquer the world...